This project was a another layer on top of the existing project "Another World". We built this "mini-game" as an area in Another World. It showcases a wide OCM-themed jungle where players could join as their OnChainMonkey NFTs and their respective traits would transfer over in game. This area also had a hidden parkour where players could complete for a "Laser Crystal" which allowed the player a unique abilty of shooting lasers out of their OCM's eyes (this ability was nerfs multiple times due to it's crazy dps in PVP situations)
This project was approved with 400+ votes on prop house (2nd place had 250~) after an unique hurdle we had to overcome (more info in Fun Facts).
Playable in Another World
Fun facts
This project not approved on the first attempt of listing it on the OCM prop house. On the first round we placed 7th with 5 winners.
On the second round we placed 11th out of 10 winners with 170 votes (5th had 171 votes). With this devastating loss, it sent the OCM community into shock. In multiple Twitter spaces people were talking about the project that got within 1 vote but wasn't able to win. Next round however, we placed 1st blowing out the rest of the competition with 465 votes.
Although losing by 1 vote seemed like a rly bad/embarrassing loss it actually helped us in the long run. As people kept talking about this unique sequence of events it got our brand and my name (skvll.eth) widely recognized. I look back at this as a blessing in disguise.
This project is complete and if can check it out on Another World